Why Use EE

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Why Use Expert Employment
Expert Employment Ltd was founded by Toby Isherwood in 2009 to provide a boutique recruitment agency service to companies specialising in a few niche industries such as

  • I.T. / Computing Software
  • Oil and Gas
  • Green Energy
  • Engineering
  • Business Services

Using an established network of recruitment consultants and candidates, Expert Employment is perfectly positioned to recruit the best candidate for your role, quickly and with minimum of fuss.

Candidate Screening
With any recruitment campaign there will be a range of applicants with a varied level of appropriateness for the client vacancy.  The whole process is made simpler with Toby's wealth of experience running his network of recruitment consultants and has the conscious candidate screening abilities with perfect matching of client to candidate.
Why Use Expert Employment Recruitment Agency
In addition to the traditional recruitment and executive search, Expert Employment has also launched an entry level digital service for just £49.99 per job advert for all businesses looking to advertise their roles around the Internet.

Contact Toby and the team for more information on how they can help you today and in the future.
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